
Sign Petite’s Memorial Card

Lil Petite is a hero. She weighed just 4.9 lbs. But her big legacy is alive and well: 

  • Closed the Fed’s #1 Cat Lab. USDA's "Kitten Slaughterhouse" rounded up stray pets from China and fed them to kittens in Petite’s lab. 5,436 perished here. White Coat Waste (WCW) exposed it—and shut down the government’s top cat lab.
  • COVID Origin Revealed. After following USDA’s foreign money trail, our investigators asked: what else are we funding in China? In April 2020—twelve months after closing Petite’s lab—WCW uncovered how U.S. taxpayers funded the Wuhan lab.
  • Cut Animal Tests in Russia. WCW exposed NIH’s cat tests in Russia. We united the GOP and Biden to end it—the 1st time funding was cut for animal testing across an entire country. 
  • Ended Painful Cat Testing in U.S. Govt Labs. Petite inspired our winning streak that closed every other confirmed lab causing pain to cats inside the U.S. government.  
  • Gave Other Cats a 2nd Chance. Before Petite’s campaign, no federal agencies had policies to retire animals as pets. They were killed and burned like trash. Now, dogs and cats have a 2nd chance at the NIH, Pentagon, Veterans Affairs, and FDA.

ADD YOUR NAME to thank this brave animal testing survivor who changed history—and left the world a better place.